
Using a simple metaphor of nesting and gestation, Dream Hatching helps you clarify your life’s purpose and guides you on the quest to bring that Dream to life.

Is there anything more important?

 You can get by for a while ignoring your Dream, that thing that keeps calling to you. The yearnings will subside eventually, until one day you might even forget what it was. The world certainly isn’t going to pull you aside and ask you what happened. The world thinks what you’re doing now is all you are. But you know, deep down, there’s something more.




Dream Hatching offers a pathway to bring your embryonic idea to a fully-fledged, soaring Dream. 

Weaving metaphor, beautiful imagery, and ancient wisdom from the bird world, Dream Hatching calls us to be receptive, intuitive, and more attuned to what wants to emerge through us. 

FIND YOUR FLOCK: Through self-reflection, identify your gifts and work with others who are “headed in the same direction.”

MIGRATE: Go out of your way to find or create a habitat in which you can thrive.

LISTEN: Embrace silence and dormancy, so you can hear what’s calling to be born through you.  

CONSECRATE: Offer yourself as a vessel through which something new can be born. 

NEST: Create space for that which is coming into being. 

BROOD: Hold space for embryonic Dreams while they find their form. 

HATCH: Allow the creation to emerge naturally. Don’t force it. 

FLEDGE: Take the leap of faith.

SOAR: Enjoy your day in the sun. Allow the thermals to carry you further than you could go of your own power. 



“Dream Hatching has catapulted me into action!  I LOVE your book, your words, your inspiration —your illustrations especially are so very nurturing and inspiring. ”

“Your book – absolutely beautiful, Constance. I found myself feeling so calm and yet energized as I read them, letting my eyes roll over the page/images, thoughts, then turned another page… Simply beautiful and spiritual. I even breathed more slowly, in fact, I’m breathing more slowly just thinking of those images/words… Definitely this was a winner!! Thank you so much.”

“Your book is absolutely stunning – a work of art! I really appreciate the ability to download it – very generous of you.”